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Sunday, October 10, 2010

mission break break break!!

Finally i have summited one secret mission in my life...so left some public mission,im gonna order my wig seperately cause i cant wig Wong sifu...gahleon's case is abit urgent...i do order his wig today...hopefully success la...hmmm....And the room case i guess i will talk to zcdave in this 2 days..once he agree mean i done 1 more mission...so what else....AHHHHHH....about the AFA train ticket...Yuki and Hanzo please do bank in me the money....left u 2 only....=_=!!....

i guess i can complete all my mission before thursday so that i can go penang at friday....uhmmm....yeah!! i wanna relax....XD

left 6min.....i have to go to my class....hmm...today is monday...XDDD.....*being random*...and i hate my mushroom head~~~ D;;;;;


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